Friday, July 8, 2011

Results of a "Bug Walk"

The excitement started when a couple of kids found the Yuba Fritillary (top photo) struggling on the ground with a missing antenna. After my slide show Wednesday night, the kids know me as the "bug man" and they're constantly bringing their finds to me, or bringing me to their finds. Eight at a time we hiked up Tollgate Creek from camp and the bugs cooperated by being there. An exciting new find every few minutes, and the kids delighted in finding so many kinds of beetles, caterpillars, and other bugs that could be safely handled. Some had disposable cameras and will be bringing home photos of their adventures. The ten photos posted here are but a sampler. We also saw an Alligator Lizard, a Yellow Belly Racer, and a few other creatures that were too fast to photograph. And I get to do it again today with another group of kids!

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