Saturday, June 23, 2018

Excitement over a beetle

 I was in a hurry to carry out an errand, but just as I fired up the truck I spotted a great beetle by the passenger-side window that was slightly open. I grabbed my phone and leaned over and promptly took five or six blurry photos (sample above).  I then swiped at the bettle with a work glove and it flew to the driver's side.  I really wanted a good photo, but I really need to rush off.  One more swipe and it fell below my seat.  Finally, it sat still long enough for me to focus (below).
 My first guess is that it's one of the Fir Sawyers in the family of long-horned beetles, Cerambycidae.

I got an even closer photo before driving off, hoping I'll be able to identify it later.  I also freed the beetle onto fir trees next to my drive.  I'm sure the first service wouldn't like that, but I like thee beetles and they were around a long time before we started messing with the forests.

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