Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Close Encounters are the best

 I missed this opportunity, but my wife got a close view of a rattler while hiking up the Sierra Buttes on the Tamarack Lakes Trail.  Unfortunately, the extreme contrast between the bright sun and the shade of a pine tree was too much of a challenge for her cell phone camera.  She did see rattles and the characteristic head shape although the latter is not to be relied on for ID.  We both tried to enhance the original photo on our laptops, but this was the best we could do.  I would have guessed it was a California King Snake if all I had to go on was this photo, but I trust her on-site ID.
On the same day, while wandering around Oakland Camp, I got a great view of a Yellow-bellied Racer, but it wouldn't sit still and I got no photo.  Or, I should say, I got several good photos of where it had been a fraction of a second before I clicked the shutter.

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