We returned to that little meadow between the Middle Fork of the Feather and Nelson Creek to do some exploring. Across the paved road from our parking spot was a rough dirt road we hoped would head down to the point where Nelson Creek enters the Feather. It didn't. We ended up at the edge of the Feather about a half mile downstream from the LaPorte Road Bridge. There was so much water flowing by it was hypnotizing. Easy to imagine Oroville Reservoir overflowing. After eating lunch we wandered around the area and found some interesting things. New flowers blooming, an incredible ant hill, and various cliff-dwelling plants like Stonecrop and some look-alikes. For now, I'll show photos of a handsome wolf spider and a buttercup. Will post others tomorrow a.m. when I'm fresher. Will definitely return to this spot. The moss-covered cliffs above the river are home to many species of wildflowers only a few of which have bloomed so far. Saw a Western Sagebrush Lizard, but she was too fast to photograph.
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