Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Flower's View and Mine

It is so easy, and therefore tempting, to manipulate digital images. I don't like to do it. Some discoverers of Photoshop seem to try to use every possible "tool" just for the sake of using it. Or, maybe my artistic sensibilities remain undeveloped. If I manipulate an image at all, it is usually to get closer to some "truth" that I believe my camera did not capture. Color balance and brightness, for example. You'll never find me making a red beetle yellow or a yellow spider purple. This is not to say I object to others doing that, but that I don't like to do it. However, today I am making the bold move of "flipping" a mirror image of myself.
My idea was to "see" things the way my photographic subjects see them, and that would be me looming over them or along side them with a camera. So, as I walked by a large mirror leaning against my garage, I shot a self-portrait. When it came to posting to my blog, I realized the mirror flipped my image, so it looks like I'm shooting with my left hand. Then it dawned on me that for my whole life I've been looking at a flipped image of myself every morning. Tempting to set up a double mirror system for hair combing and the like so I can see the "real" me.
Anyway, here's a close-up of an Orchard Morning Glory (AKA Bindweed) in my front yard that probably couldn't care less.

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