They were very small, so I decided to empty out my container of colored pencils and use it to bring home a bunch of these interesting insects. According to my John Muir Laws field guide, these were Oak Treehoppers, Platycotis vittata. When I got home I took most of the above photos before doing a little internet research. When I found out that these bugs were drinking the sap of the oak on its way from the leaves down to the roots and that they seldom cause the trees any harm, I released my herd onto the oak trees by my driveway. I hope they establish a local colony as they are quite attractive. The bottom two photos were taken on my way home from work at a turnout I call my "cat-o-nine-tails place." The galls on the willow branch fit with the fall colors theme, although they're hardly noticeable at 55 mph. Close by there were still a few Common Monkeyflower blooming, but most had gone to seed as in the bottom photo above. The shape of the seed pods intrigued me and brought me back to thinking about geometry and art.
Tomorrow and this weekend I'll post photos of the geometry/art projects we're doing. That is, unless some other great nature discovery intrudes.