Monday, February 17, 2014

Time to do more mocking?

I thought I'd post a bit of amateurish art to celebrate a quote attributed to Michael Pollan.  "A lawn is nature under totalitarian rule."  The reason I feel like celebrating, besides loving the quote, is that I'm seeing more and more articles in newspapers and magazines suggesting that we reconsider our landscaping habits and perhaps go with native vegetation rather than lawns.  These articles are mostly in response to California's serious drought, so they might not represent an environmental awakening.  But, if it takes a drought to get things started in the right direction, so be it.
Regarding the reference to mocking in today's headline, I am thinking about a report that our Secretary of State, John Kerry, in a recent appearance in Jakarta, mocked "climate change deniers."  It's about time!  The hyper-capitalist right wingers have been mocking science for a long time, and not only on the subject of global warming, so it's about time we started mocking back.

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