Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Speed Bump

 Here's the photo I intended to post back on October 27 when I discovered that I'd used up all the available space on the blog for photo storage.  I said that this acorn reminded me of the Hindenburg.  An omen of disaster I guess.   I'm posting the photo here in a more celebratory mood.  It's almost Thanksgiving and I'm sleepy after a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving feast sponsored by Feather River College.  I'm in the mood to celebrate the tree from which this blog and my email address take their name.  California Black Oak.  They line my driveway and are home to many interesting animals, including the Oak Treehoppers that have appeared here often.
 Potential oaks.  Memories of holiday biscuits made from oak flour - after removing the tannic acid, of course. 
 Acorn cap which can serve as an ear-piercing whistle if you know how. 
 The tree that produces the bounty, especially in years following forest fires.  At this time of year, most of the leaves have turned a deep orange or have already fallen off.  But a few trees produce brilliant reds, oranges and yellows.  The trunks are a substrate for a large variety of mosses, lichens, fungi and crawly things.  I love California Black Oak.


  1. Hey Joe,

    I really like the first leaf picture. I have recently tried acorn flour that Dalynn made, it is fantastic! Guess who was the bitterness tester... Tannins are indeed unpalatable. Most people don't realize the bounty in their own back yards. As you have said, all people need to do is shift perspectives, and a whole separate world comes into focus.



  2. Oh Joe,
    So good to see you back from the far reaches of cyber-space, bringing us daily treats for the eyes and brain pan.
