Tuesday, February 28, 2012

For Renee

Renee Hall, proprietor of Morning Thunder, a cafe that I've often referred to as my "home away from home," died Sunday evening in a motor vehicle accident.  The day before, she asked me if I had seen the crocuses yet.  She was very proud of the garden in front of the cafe, and was just beginning to get it ready for spring.  The crocuses broke ground a week ago, but they were still closed on this cold morning.  A gathering of flowers, burning candles, and personal notes in memoriam were left by the front door of the cafe.
Some of my favorite pieces of writing were begun at "my" corner table at Morning Thunder.  In fact, one I completed at that table back in 1981 was titled "The Coffee Habit: A scientific Study."  We regulars will miss Renee's energy as expressed by one of her employees in the bottom photo.
Some of you may remember when the word "Cafe" used to hang beneath Morning Thunder.  That part of the sign is now hanging above my kitchen sink.  But that's another story.

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