Thursday, September 6, 2018

Every Walk Is Different

 Most afternoons I walk from my house on the hill to downtown and back.  I check many of the same spots for nature activity and photo ops, and it's never the same two days in a row.  If the scene looks the same, my thoughts are different.  Yesterday I found my herd of Treehoppers on the same branch they've occupied for several weeks.  The young ones are getting bigger and the mom is still guarding them.  This time I estimated the number of branches of similar size that were hanging at eye level.  I figured around 50.  So, why were the treehoppers occupying only this particular one?  Then I estimated the tree to be around 40 feet tall and had at least several hundred branches of this particular size beyond my line of sight.  I wish I could borrow one of those arborist's hydraulic lifts so I could check the upper reaches of the tree.  I guess you could say I'm still somewhat obsessed with the Oak Treehoppers.
Across the driveway from the oak was a Stellar's Jay feather caught under a scraggly Chicory plant that I thought was photogenic.
As my walk continued toward town I found the biggest pile of bear poop I've ever seen.  It appeared that he/she had diarrhea, but the tell-tale cherry stones were there and it was definitely bear.  This made me wonder why so many people along Coburn put their trash cans outside Sunday night, ready for Monday morning pick-up.  The bear(s) tips them over every time and drags plastic bags around the neighborhood.  Duh!  This morning, there was a new pile of poop just a few yards beyond the aforementioned on.  No diarrhea. Either a different bear, or the original one found the needed medicine in someone's trash.

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