Saturday, April 30, 2016

April's Done

All I can say at the moment is that April has been a pretty good month for hiking and wildflower watching, but not for blogging.  I've taken at least a dozen outings with camera and notebook, but only posted three times.  Rather frustrating.  Not enough time in a day, not enough Internet bandwidth at home, not enough time to wait for the slow uploading, and too many distractions - the rather scary presidential election campaign not the least of them.  I do have a growing archive of photos taken in April, so we'll see what develops here.  Exciting short drive yesterday yielded my first spotting of Scarlet Fritillary.  Lots of them!  Also, lots of Saxifrages blooming on rock walls, Hartweg's Iris blooming through the pine needles, and lots of Red Larkspur along the roadsides.  Hopefully, if I'm fresh in the morning, I'll catch up a bit with more photos and reports.  My wife got the above shot of me on the top of Monument Peak, looking more or less westward.

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