Sunday, April 24, 2011

A More Leisurely Outing

Last Friday's excursion to the trail head to Keddie Cascades had a different motive than my usual. I didn't expect to find anything new blooming, but decided to walk more slowly and try to get better photographs of items I had seen during the past couple of weeks. I especially hoped to find California Milkmaids as I only got a couple of mediocre shots of them the first time. I didn't find any this time. Here are the better photos from that walk, from top to bottom: Henderson's Shooting Star which are now sporting multiple flowers per plant, a close-up of Miniature Miner's Lettuce, Grape Hyacinth (which is not really a hyacinth, but a lily, AKA Muscari), a new violet, not yet blooming, most likely Viola purpurea, Wood Violet, Viola lobata, and two views of Stout-beaked Toothwort, Cardamine pachystigma, the close cousin of the Milkmaids I missed.


  1. Even though it is bug-free, I won't be surprised to see that shooting star mounted and framed in some future exhibit.

  2. Thanks. I can't get enough of that flower.
