I heard from several people that the flowers were great in the Lakes Basin. Yesterday we went to check it out. The fun began as soon as we left town. Heading east, the great display of Blazing Star began around the Massak rest area a few miles from Quincy. There were clusters of this magnificent flower off and on all the way to Blairsden. Then, on the way up the Gold Lake Road the roadside ditch was full of all kinds of blooms - Madia, Paintbrush (2 kinds), Rein Orchis, St. John's Wort, Elderberry, etc., etc. Will be posting many of these later today. For now, one sample from near long Lake, the Leichtlin's Mariposa Lily. Abundant along several of the local trails. If you take a short drive out of Quincy just to see the Blazing Star, go early in the morning. These flowers close up around noon then re-open the next morning.
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