Saw several new species blooming today on my way home from Greenville. Will post other photos in the morning when I'm rested. This one(bottom photo when the others are added) is Gilia capitata surrounded by some Lacepod.
[It's now Wednesday morning and I've added the remaining photos. Had to stretch to make it a dozen species. The top photo I call "Aerial Catalpa. Will add my remaining funny remarks and specific IDs later today. It was an enjoyable day of discovery.]
[Finishing up my commentary on yesterday's photos: The sprig of Catalpa hanging from a power line has been there long enough to qualify as a neighborhood icon. I'm surprised my fellow blogger at Q-topia didn't post it first. The Catalpa trees in the library-museum-courthouse area are a constant reminder of one of my favorite neighborhood trees when I was growing up in New England. My younger siblings and I used to call it "Bean Tree." They have beautiful blossoms, somewhat resembling those of Monkeyflower and Hibiscus. I think the bean pods are attractive, too.
The second photo down, I believe, is some species of Arnica. There are quite a few species in this genus, and there are other yellow, daisy-like flowers in the area. I haven't yet bothered to learn them all, but I love their role as "bug magnets."
Third from the top is California Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum occidentale, in the waterleaf family, Hydrophyllaceae. There are several species in this area as well as the various Phacelias that show a lot of resemblance. I photographed some Phacelias today (6/8/11) and will include them in my next post.
Next is my first wallflower of the season, Western Wallflower, Erysimum capitatum. The color of this one can range from pale yellow through deep yellow to deep Cadmium Orange (That's artist talk for very dark orange.). Some botanists put these different-colored populations in separate subspecies. I'm more of a "lumper" than a "splitter" and am content see them as photogenic members of the mustard family, (formerly Cruciferae but now Brassicaceae) bug attractors, and roadside delights.
Then we have the Sulphur-flowered Pea, Lathyrus sulphureus. Delicate enough to resemble the vetches, yet has more in common with the other wild peas that are generally rather large vines and come mostly in pink and white varieties.
Next, we have a Greenleaf Manzanita which clearly shows the source of its Spanish name which means little apple. The technical name is Arctostaphylos patula. It's in the heath family, Ericaceae.
Please forgive me my dandelion obsession, but I can't resist a perfect ball of seeds, and, until the Salsify go to seed, I'll continue to enjoy the Common Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale. It's not a native species, but seems to like it here! Next is one of our native dandelions, the Mountain Dandelion, Agoseris retrorsa. I obviously took this one for its "bug appeal."
Next is a cute little miniature which I assume is in the pea family. I'll be researching this one, to try to get a positive ID. I'm assuming it's non-native. considering the location - by the side of a railroad right-of-way where most of today's flowers werre photographed. Try Quarry Road, between the Spanish Creek bridge and the Greenville Y. Interesting stuff, rarely any traffic, and great views.
I shot the yellow lupine on the grade coming into Quincy, just north of the FRC turnoff. I think it's a domesticated variety and I'm calling it Caltrans Lupine, maybe Lupinus transcendentalis.
Then, we have a clover, Trifolium sp., that is abundant along the roadsides at the Quincy elevation. Not sure of the species, but it may be another Caltrans cultivar. It's not the common variety of red field clover that we see in our lawns.
The last three photos feature views of the Blue Gilia, Gilia capitata. The very last one includes some Fringepod, AKA Lacepod, Thysanocarpus curvipes. This was a very enjoyable and sunny wildflower excursion.
The cute little miniature is probably Lotus micranthes (a very common native). The yellow lupine is probably Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus (which ranges in color from white to bright yellow. Road crews reseed disturbed areas with seeds selected to bright yellow). The pink clover is Trifolium hirtum, Rose Clover, an incredibly invasive alien. Each year, you're going to see that plant taking over more and more areas.