Friday, October 29, 2010

Stopping By An Orchard

I drive by the Dawn Community Center a couple of times every week, and I enjoy the setting - apple orchard, blackberries, California Black Oak, Big Leaf Maple, all surrounded by Pine and Fir forest. I seldom stop once the blackberries are gone. But yesterday, out of the corner of my eye, I spied a large area of bright red behind the first couple of rows of apple trees. I knew it wasn't fire, but I wondered if there was a tree species I had never noticed before, perhaps an exotic maple. I made a U-turn and wandered into the orchard. Turns out it was an apple tree! The only one that had turned red while all the others were still green. I wonder why? Also, I came across a lone asparagus that had gone to seed. Quite beautiful. A seldom-seen sight, I imagine. The berries are poisonous, although the shoots in springtime are one of my favorite veggies. Last, I noticed an apple tree that had hundreds of woodpecker holes and a hollow that looked like the classic owl or raccoon hideout of childrens' story books. It was getting rather warm that afternoon, and if I had more time I would have looked around for bugs. They'll all be underground for the winter soon.

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