Great trip down the Feather River Canyon today. Over 200 pictures, and lots of adventures and musings to share over the next few days. For now, three pics that left an impression on me.
In case the title of this post is mysterious, here's what it means. I was euphoric when I arrived in Quincy after several hours of photographing flowers, bugs, and waterfalls in the canyon. While driving along between stops, I wished I had an audio recorder with me as I felt I was writing a book about all the wonders I saw and thoughts that were provoked. Then, when I arrived back in town, I told the first person I saw what I had seen, lest I forget. Then, when I got home, I was somewhat startled (since I am still somewhat of a Luddite) as I removed the SD card from my camera to realize, as if for the first time, the amount of this beauty that had been captured in tiny arrays of electrons inside this little piece of plastic and electronics. I'll never take that for granted! Meanwhile, I'll begin sharing more of these photos tomorrow.
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