I photographed the first California WIld Rose I saw just to record it. These were not particularly attractive specimens (above) but soon came across a spectacular one (below) and made note of the fact that there were no aphids and no evidence of pesticide use. In past blogs I've mentioned my comment to participants in my guided hikes that I have a hobby of raising aphids. This is mentioned after pointing out large masses of aphids, usually on Salsify flowers, that are being "herded" by a species of ant that feeds off aphid excrement. The ecology of the relationship is usually fascinating
enough that people will ask how I raise aphids, to which I reply, "It's easy; I just plant roses."
These tiny blue beauties grow in or near water and are in the Borage family, the family of Forget-me-nots. I usually call them wild forget-me-nots, but they are mostly known as Stickseed, of which there are several species in the Sierra.
The American Dogwood is blooming profusely along the section of Spanish Creek near Oakland Camp.
I'll have to check this one out. I'm rusty, but I think it's Chickweed.
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