Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Scenes From a Ditch, Part 3

Bindweed, if you think of its scary habits; Orchard Morning Glory if you think of its beauty.
Wild Sweet Pea.  One of the more durable summer flowers.
Rose hip.  Lotsa Vitamin C.
White Alder with last year's female cones as well as this year's and male catkins.
Hooker's Evening Primrose, gone to seed, but today (8/15/12) I found one blooming on Quincy Junction Road.  It was only about 6" tall, but it was blooming.
Lots of poppies are hanging in there in the last days of summer.
Goldenrod is one of the prettier and more abundant of the late summer flowers.
It's Blackberry Time!  Remember, blackberries are red when they're green.
Nice leave patterns in a creekside willow.
 Stickseed, the wild relative of Forget-me-nots.
(The above captions were added Wednesday evening, although the photos were posted with the below message on Tuesday.  Still affect by summer heat.  I hope this is not too confusing.)

After gathering this third set of photos from last Sunday's tour of the ditch, and breathing hot smoky air all afternoon, I don't have the energy to provide much of a narrative.  Let me just present these photos as an antidote to the irritating brown air we'll be breathing for a while longer.  Don't forget, you can get up early, when it's cooler, and walk around your neighborhood looking for scenes such as these.  In the morning, I'll at least post the names of these.  (Done) Then, the fourth and last installment of the series will be about the bugs and the human factor.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is the tree that cork comes from. They are all over the UC Davis campus and look beautiful there. I've seen multiple specimens around Berkeley that look very healthy as well.forsythia for sale
