We were professionally and delightfully hosted by my old friend, the lookout, Lucas, whom I met in this same lookout 30 years ago. Now the flowers:
First is the Arrow-leaved Balsam-root, Balsamorhiza sagittata. There were literally acres and acres of this beautiful sunflower up around the 7,000' level. When we got out of our vehicles and walked around, it was apparent that there were many leaves of Narrow-leaved Mule's Ears amongst the Balsam-root. The Mule's Ears and Balsam-root have very similar blossoms, but the former were not yet blooming. Also among the large yellow sunflowers were the tiny Sierra Onion, Allium campanulatum. Also, two kinds of Calochortus or Mariposa Lilies, one known as Beaver-tail Grass, C. coeruleus, and the larger, white one Leichtlin's Mariposa lily, C. leichtlinii (mis-spelled in my caption). Then there were small larkspur, Delphinium, whose specific name I was not able to determine. These were often blooming among the leaves of the Mule's Ears, Wyethia angustifolia. There were also mountain Violet, Viola purpurea, which are yellow! The Spreading Phlox, Phlox diffusa, were blooming among the rocks near the peak which were covered with snow only a few weeks ago. Lower down the mountain, I would estimate between 4,000 and 4,500 feet in elevation, we saw Snow Plant, Sarcodes sanguinea, Mountain Whitethorn, labelled Blue Ceanothus in the caption, a relative of the Deer Brush, Buck Brush, and Mahala Mat, among many others. It is Ceanothus cordulatus. There was lots of Paintbrush, Castilleja sp., along the road and one specimen of Scarlet Gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata. Last, but not least, one of my favorites, the Pussy Paws, Calyptridium monospermum. It is fun to hang around long enough to see these start their day with their stems stretched out flat on the ground, then gradually rise as they appear in the above pictures, then lie flat again later in the afternoon as moisture enters and leaves their cells. Great adaptation for surviving this sometimes harsh environment. We also saw some very large piles of fresh bear scat, but I'm not supposed to mention it so I won't. :)
Great pictures! What carnivorous plants were there in Butterfly Valley? I love the pic of the Bright Red Snow Plant you got. Thanks for sharing...
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