These photos are reminders of enjoyable "expeditions" taken in Plumas County during 2009. The western rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis, is a bit blurry because it was photographed in a very dark woods, necessitating a slow shutter speed, and I came within one stride of stepping on it when my wife yelled "snake!" I was undoubtedly shaking a bit when I pushed the shutter button. The goldenrod crab spider, white phase, has appeared in earlier posts in its yellow splendor. Turns out it can change between white and golden yellow, but not very fast. Recent studies indicate it may not serve as camouflage. A bright yellow one I posted earlier, against a white background flower, may have actually attracted its prey, a pollinator, by appearing to be a bright yellow flower. The teasle was photographed in a swampy place across the street from Quincy High School. It's a favorite spot of mine for wildflowers and bugs, and sometimes great waterfowl. The dried stalks are still standing and will probably last all winter. Last, the bloom of pitcher plant, AKA cobra lily, AKA Darlingtonia, photographed in spring in the Butterfly Valley botanical area, a great swampy area in the pine forest which is home to several species of carnivorous plants as well as hundreds of other species of wildflowers. Happy New Year.
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